Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Red Tide

I love going to the beach. In fact, it is one of the most self-indulging things I like to do. To be properly done, you most go for at least 3 hours and as it is over an hour's drive to get to my favorite beach; it is really an all day affair for me. Unfortunately, I don't know how much longer I will be able to go. Red Tide is once again inching its way up the coast of Florida. Red Tide is a nasty occurrence. It is a "bloom" or over-production of algae in the water. This algae kills sea-life and produces gases which cause your eyes, nose and lungs to burn. The dead fish wash up on shore causing quite a stench themselves. Needless to say, the beach outing loses its appeal with dead fish and nauseous gases around.

Last night the Imp's school had Open House. Hearing the principal talk, made me so happy to be a part of this school. The theme this year is "Family." And she truly works at creating a family atmosphere (caring, encouraging, in-this-together, and loving). As a small private K-8 school, we have 4 male teachers on staff (in addition to the boys coach and the technology coordinator). I'm happy the Imp is content here, and know she is learning the really important things in life. The "school paper barrage" has begun. I had 6 forms to fill out, most of them saying I had read the packet of papers that came with the form. The avalanche of paper won't stop until next summer. The hardest part is really reading it all, because just as soon as I say...been there, done that...something will have changed and I will miss some key piece of information. So I read all that is sent home. And yes, other parents (including my husband) call on me to summarize the information for them and alert them to the really key things.

The girls are using their "Unlimited TV" and "Stay in PJs All Day" coupons today. They've each camped out in front of a TV/DVD player and essentially haven't moved all day. They usually use this earlier in the summer, but both feel this is a great way to say farewell to vacation.


Cindy said...

I would love a 'stay in pjs' coupon. Think I'll double value it and stay in pjs for two days.

catholicmom said...

Wish I could give it to you. Notice, I wasn't partaking in this activity. (I had to go to work today)