Friday, August 25, 2006

Too Much Love?

Just when you thought you'd heard it all...I was making dinner last night, listening to the news and I heard, "she was taken away from her aunt and uncle because they loved her too much." My first thought was "what do they mean by 'love'? And I worried that there was some form of sexual abuse. No, it appears the judge thought the couple was building such a strong bond, that they were making a reunion between the child and her mother more difficult (and the goal is ALWAYS reunion, no matter what) so he had the child removed from their home. It makes one wonder. For all practical purposes this has a happy ending. But what did the past 4 years of uncertainty do to this young girl? I believe people should be given a second chance. I don't think they should be given numerous chances especially when their mistakes are causing harm to children.

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