Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well, I survived the gum surgery and it was actually not as terrible as I thought it would be. I'm still in pain and won't be eating solid food for a few more days, but all in all, I'm happy it's over. Of course, I've lost this weekend. I spent Friday afternoon and Saturday sleeping due to the pain pills. I've not taken anything but Ibuprofen I'm actually more aware of the pain, but am happy to be cognizant of what is going on around me. I've a nice bruise on my chin...which is much smaller than the bruise on the inside of my mouth.

The Singer goes back to college after a week of Spring Break. Since she did not take time off of work, it wasn't a total holiday but she enjoyed laying around and catching up on some reading.

The weather has finally turned Spring-like. Thank goodness! I spent some time outside today and plan lots more of that this week. It's actually supposed to be in the mid 70s next weekend. Yippee!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gum Surgery

Gum surgery...sounds wonderful, doesn't it? I've not written about it even though it has been on my mind constantly this past week. I've had a lot of dental work in my life...a root canal at 8, it removed at 12 (much worse than getting one), wisdom teeth removed (cut out before they erupted and all 4 out on the same day with local anesthesia). And I've handled all those things without much of an emotional response. I needed...I got it done. But for some reason this gum surgery has my stomachs all in knots. Not a fun feeling at all. So I've been trying to pretend it's not going to happen...but today at 1 pm I'll be having gum grafts. My four bottom front teeth have extensive root exposure similar to these. Although, mine actually look worse.


And we're hoping for this kind of outcome.


Basically, I'm just hoping next week comes quickly and I can then promptly forget this week of my life.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

SC trip

Megan and I had a great time in South Carolina. We missed Tracy but know how it goes with work. But I took pictures so she could see what her boys did. Family is wonderful! Sad to think of my parents selling their house, but it's time. Meg wants to win the lottery so we can buy the house and "keep it in the family."

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

slideshow attempt

I'm sitting here at the car dealership waiting for my car to be serviced (oil change mainly) and decided to try to create a slideshow for my blog. So here are some pictures from Christmas, both at home and in SC at my parents.

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