Hurricane season began 9 days ago. Here we are dealing with Tropical Storm Alberto already. Actually, most people here in Florida are thrilled (unless their street tends to flood with heavy rains). We are in desparate need of rain. Wildfires are a constant threat, and a couple of inches of rain would sure help. My lawn and water bill would appreciate the rain, as well. Here's hoping that this early storm is not indicative of the Hurricane season this year. I was amazed when it was reported that 68% of GULF COAST residents did NOT have hurricane plans! How can one have lived in the United States for the last 2 years and not realize the importance of being prepared; not realize that the government cannot take care of millions of people simultaneously, especially when the infastructure of a community has been destroyed? Anyone who has lived in Florida has heard over and over..."make sure to have 3 days supply of water for each person in the home and 2 weeks worth of medicine." That's because the government knows it can't help everyone at once. It's not that hard for the average person. 68% haven't prepared at all. It is absolutely mind-boggling. It is imperative that those who can take care of themselves do, so the government can put their resources to those who truly need help. If you live where a hurricane can affect you...please get ready today.
Summer is underway. I am exhausted. Hubby tells me, this is your busy time of year. Stop thinking of summer as vacation. As a M-A-H you're 24/7 in the summer. The school year gives moms-at-home a break. Somehow, I always think I'll have all this time to clean out closets and paint bathrooms, etc. And somehow, I spend my time as a chauffer. I don't really mind, it just takes me a few days to re-adjust my expectations for the summer.
The Singer is taking Driver's Ed, so we get up each morning (M-Th) to go to school. She is so convinced her instructors know nothing and that she knows everything. I just keep reminding myself that my teen
is crazy, and try to remember what I learned by reading
It is really quite an interesting book and helps me as a parent not to get quite so frustrated with my teen (or maybe helps me calm down and re-evaluate after I get so frustrated).
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