Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lying is Bad for Your Health

When I was in Charlotte Saturday, using my brother's house as a hotel, my sister-in-law told me about a study correlating truthfulness and health.  Seems like a no-brainer to me.  Doing the right thing relieves stress.  She was amazed that Americans tell an average of 11 lies per week.  (Study finds that avoiding lies can improve your health)  I am amazed at how often people lie and how people who otherwise pride themselves on their moral and/or ethical behavior have no problem with the 'little lie.'  Someone I know, a mother, a regular church goer, a devoted volunteer, someone who strives to raise her children with Christian values recently published on Facebook that she lied about her child's age.  First, that she would do that so blatantly in front of her children, and second, that she would publicize the fact supports the idea that lying about 'little things' is not seen as really wrong.  Lying about children's ages, especially for discounted prices, is a very common phenomenon, and appears to be socially acceptable.  I also hear people who routinely lie on their tax returns, as if who you lie to changes whether it's right or wrong.  I worked as a consultant (i.e. self-employed) making really very little money.  I've remarked that it's almost not worth it, as such a high percentage of what I make goes to taxes, and people tell me I shouldn't report that income.  Huh?  Someone once told me about a cashier's error.  The error was in the costumer's favor.  I asked if they went back to the store and paid the amount they owed.  "It was the cashier's fault.  It's her problem now."  Again, huh?  When the Imp was in high school she found a $20 in the hallway.  She took it to the office.  The office staff was amazed that she turned it in and didn't just pocket it.  After a week, no one came looking for it so I guess the person who lost the money figured the chances of someone turning in found money was non-existent.  So, if you find yourself telling 'little white lies' remember it's bad for your health.

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