Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Excitement and Happy Birthday

I'm as bad as any kid when it comes to Christmas. Here it is 3 days before Christmas and I'm so excited that I can't sleep. I didn't get to bed until 1 am, then was awake at 6:15. I tried going back to sleep, but my mind raced with all I had to do...and it's all fun stuff (pretty much). Then again, today being the Imp's birthday has me excited as well.
The reading from Mass today is about Hannah thanking God for her child, Samuel. She had prayed for a child and out of thanksgiving was dedicating the child to God. I prayed for a child, as well. I was so thrilled when I knew I was pregnant and when I awoke early on the 22nd in 1993, and determined I was in labor, my heart swelled with joy. After a short labor, Theresa arrived right at noon. How wonderful to hold her. Christmas had a new meaning, holding a newborn at that time. I pray daily that the Imp will be dedicated to God, that she will hear His call and like Mary, simply say, "be it done to me according to your Word." And I pray, that like Mary, I can support my child in whatever undertaking God calls her.
It's hard to believe the Imp is 15. Images of a driver's permit dance in her dreams. She still has to take an online drug course, so we have at least a few more days until she can get it.
It's almost Christmas!

We put up and decorated our tree Saturday. We often wait until the Imp's birthday...we've always tried to make her feel special and not just a part of Christmas celebrations. But because of her sleep over tonight, we needed to decorate the tree earlier. The Singer got me an early Christmas gift, the Casting Crowns Christmas CD. We played that as we decorated the tree. One of the girls favorite parts is looking at all the ornaments they've gotten, especially their "Make-A-Wish" ornaments they get each year from my mom. They lay them out and make pronouncements about the prettiest, the most elegant, etc. The Singer tends to think the current year's ornament is the best. The Imp, of course, will be a different one.

I wrote the yearly Christmas letter. I know some people hate them. I figure, if you don't want to read it...don't. But I have skipped a few years and always get comments about how much far-away friends like getting the overview of our lives.

Time to finish up my Christmas cards, so I can mail them by Christmas.

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