Thursday, December 26, 2013

Blessing Bears

After Dennis' dad died, his sister heard of a woman who made teddy bears from a loved-one's old shirts.  His sister had one made for all the siblings and his mom.  His mom absolutely loves the bear and it brings her great comfort.  So when my dad died, I decided to make teddy bears for all my siblings and my mom.  Finished them and mailed them on the 20th.  My siblings should start receiving them today in the mail.

In the process of sewing the bears, I've decided to start a home business of making teddy bears and calling it Blessing Bears.  My next bear will be made from left over material from various outfits I've made for Megan over the years.  Then, I'll do the same for Theresa.  Then I'll make some Christmas bears and hopefully I'll begin to get some orders for other bears.

Here's the Blessing Bears I made for my family:



1 comment:

Yvonne said...

WOW - you are even more incredible than I already knew you were/are... thank you, thank you, thank you. And just so you know, you made me cry !

I love you.