Our trip over Memorial Day Weekend was fun and packed with activity. We got to Sumter on Saturday afternoon. Got to see Kevin and Lauren (and meet Patrick) and my mom and dad. Brian's boys were spending the weekend with my parents so we had fun with them, too. Sunday we drove the boys home and got to spend Monday and Tuesday with Brian and Tracy. The rain tried to put a damper on things, but couldn't. Tuesday we toured Belmont Abbey and it was absolutely gorgeous. The student who was our guide said he'd try to keep us in the shade as it was so hot. We all laughed. It was beautiful...about 86, sunny and not too humid. Arriving back in Tampa, we have mid 90's and humidity so high you can cut it. The school is obviously small. Only 1400 students. Compared to USF's 40,000+ it's bite-sized, but it felt like a perfect match for Megan. Now if she can just get her transfer credits situated. Enjoy the pics.
Pictures from Sumter
Pictures from North Carolina
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