Last night was a blast! Hubby and I took our 3rd class in ballroom dancing and we were actually dancing! It was fabulous. And more of a workout than it sounds. And we were complimented by the instructor...she asked if we'd taken classes before because we picked up the dances so well. Yea. I can't wait to go back again next week.
I'm reading a couple of different books right now, and they're all good. Two that are especially intriguing and thought provoking are
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink and
Back to Virtue by Peter Kreeft. Here's a great summary of
Drive on
Youtube. Drive has me thinking of how to run my homeschool courses next year. I'll be teaching High School Geography, Government and Economics. It's a unique situation as I only meet with the student for 50 minutes a week. So much of the work is already done on their own. But, the gears in my mind are churning and I'm getting excited for the school year.
Back to Virtue has me thinking about soooo much. Here's a quote, "We have reduced all virtues to one: being nice. And, we measure Jesus by our standard instead of measuring our standard by Him." The whole idea that today people spend more time than ever before in history TALKING about ethics and doing the right thing, but little time in pursuit of virtues or Truth. In fact, many today don't believe in an objective Truth but that Truth (hence right and wrong) are subjective. Anyway it is quite interesting.
The Imp has a summer job working with the
iWait group, going around to Boys and Girls Clubs and YMCA summer camps to put on skits and such about abstaining from sex and drugs. I think she's perfect for the job and the varied structure of the job is perfect for her. The training is this week...32 miles from home. So I find myself sitting in the library not far from her training. Yesterday I worked on the scope and sequence of my government course and realized I need to learn more about the history of Florida before I try to teach about its government (state government is only 1 part of one unit and there are 15 units, but still...I hate not knowing some depth to what I'm teaching). Today I've been reading Drive and playing with my blog and searching for good swing music to download so Hubby and I can dance at home.
While surfing around on Daniel Pink's site, I came across
the Happiness Project, and got caught up in reading many of her posts. In some ways it ties in with something
Cindy mentioned in her post the other day about a
woman making a new piece of clothing from an old dress each day for a year. Her budget for the year only $365. If you've got some time, it's fun...not near as 'heavy' as the other things I've mentioned thus far. If you sew, you should definitely take a look.
I'm also gearing up to teach a crafts course this summer. 3 weeks of intro to crochet and 3 weeks of intro to knititng with a "catch up week" at the end (no new material...just trying to finish projects). I'm pretty excited about that, too. Although, since I'm mainly self-taught in these I am spending some time online making sure my technique won't teach my students any bad habits.
I was telling Hubby the other night how it was kind of nice that we had no real summer plans and that I was looking forward to just staying home. He then told me he thought we should finally replace our living room carpet with laminate. I'm super excited to have it done, less excited about the actual doing. We're trying to get it done within the next month. (We have our couples group to our house the 3rd week of July). So I've also been spending time researching laminate flooring. Any advice is welcomed, although not necessarily heeded.