Thursday, August 20, 2009

Flat Tire

I'm suppose to be typing up questions for tomorrow's night couples' meeting, but had to write about the Singer and her escapades. She calls me on her way to work this afternoon and says, "Mom, my tire light went on and the car's bumpy, should I pull over?" Sometimes I worry about that girl. I said "YES!!!!" She pulled into a gas station and had a whopper of a flat (definitely won't be able to be patched). She was traveling on I-75 where it's 4 lanes each way. High volume, and lots of trucks carrying lots of stuff. She obviously hit some crud in the road. She was dressed for work and didn't really want to change a tire. Fortunately a nice man came and helped her. [I stayed on the phone with her...I'm paranoid] The man told her she shouldn't be driving on I-75 because there's so much junk on the road. So she's now decided she's driving to work on the back roads. I give it a week or less. She'll add a good 20-30 minutes on her commute with that. The interstate is 1 mile from campus and about 2 miles from her work. She can make it to work in under 20 minutes, easy. Well she could if she took the interestate. The best part of all this was when she called home on her break and asked, accusingly, why we didn't buy her tire protection when we bought her the brand new car? Hubby had to take the phone from me as I was about to reach thru the phone and strangle her!
Tomorrow she gets to go buy a new tire. Fun, fun.

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