Friday, April 04, 2008

Peeps, Candy Corn and Other "Ruined" Traditions

Did you know that there is Easter (or Spring)candy corn? Yep, it comes in pastel colors. And Peeps, once only seen at Easter is now available at just about every holiday. I don't like this. Knowing candy corn could only be had at Halloween (unless you were like my brother and kept your candy for 10 months after the holiday) gave it a specialness. Peeps at Easter were the same. When you sunk your teeth into that sticky, almost gag-inducing sweetness, you knew you couldn't do it again until next year. We've lost the art of delayed gratification and the traditions that gave meaning to our holidays. Now, I'm not trying to say that the makers of Peeps ruined everything. But when you have everything available anytime, what is there to look forward to? What is there to hope for? The new dress for Easter was thrilling and special (you probably hadn't had a new dress since Christmas). Waiting until your birthday to get that bike or basketball or doll or whatever made the getting it all the sweeter. No wonder parents have to rent limos for their children's 13th party...the kid literally already has everything else. The American Girl doll is now given just because "Suzie" wanted it. No wonder parents rent out GameWorks and invite 30+ kids. "Johnny" already has that 10-speed bike or Guitar Hero for their video system. We seemed to have lost a sense of anticipation. Christmas was so great partly because of that anticipation. The anticipation adds to the enjoyment of the makes it begin in your mind spend your days dreaming of all the possibilities, knowing most won't happen...but knowing something special will.
I have to admit at Christmas, when I saw Christmas tree Peeps, I was thrilled, since Peeps are the Imp's absolutely favorite treat (she likes to "blow them up" in the almost turns them to taffy). And my first reaction was 'great, this will be neat to get these for her.' Then I saw the Spring candy corn and other 'out-of-season' treats. And now, call me scrooge, but I am boycotting any 'wrong' holiday treat or celebration.


Monica said...

Great post. We've been dealing with just this issue. The kids ask for stuff all the time and just don't get it when we tell them to save up their allowance or put it on their birthday wish list. One of the boys has nothing left from Christmas. All the kids got three gifts but they were all something they had asked for. He left his iPod outside and it got stolen and broke or lost everything else. Maybe if he has to save his allowance or *horrors* actually wait for something, we will learn to take better care of it. At least we can hope.

By the way, have you every had Peeps Wars in the microwave? Stick toothpicks in the front of the chick peeps then face them off in the microwave. When the expand they "battle" with the toothpicks. Good clean Easter fun.

Anonymous said...

yes, peeps are the best! we had blue, green, yellow, purple and pink. some were bunnies and some were chicks and we had lots of toothpick wars!