Monday, April 08, 2013

Texting While Driving

I heard on the news yesterday that Florida is trying to get a law passed that makes texting while driving illegal.  Florida remains one of the few states that does not currently have such a law.  Having driven up and down I-95 several times in the last few months, it made me think of the large sign you see when entering Georgia: "Texting while driving in Georgia is illegal"  The sign makes me laugh....I think it should have a second half, "Texting while driving in Georgia is illegal, and texting while driving anywhere is just plain stupid."
Had a marvelously uneventful weekend.  Felt like Dennis and I relaxed the whole weekend, yet last night when we listed what we accomplished, it was quite a bit.  Amazing what you can get done when not unpacking from a trip, or packing for an upcoming trip.  Garden is weeded and tended, lawn mowed, flower bed weeded, laundry clean, great dinners cooked, pool cleaned, patio washed down, scrap book stuff organized.  We still have a list of to do's in order to catch up from our absences from home, but we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Looking forward to lunch with a good friend today.  She lost her dad a year ago October.  It's nice to have someone who has been through the emotions of losing their dad.  I know people sympathize with my loss, but there is a connection that is only there with someone who has actually experienced it.

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