Sunday, April 14, 2013

Carded at 50

I think the thing I like most about my husband is his ability to laugh (and get me to laugh with him).  I so believe that laughter is a balm for the soul.  It's been a rough few months, so finding things to laugh about is crucial.  Well, Friday night Dennis and I went grocery shopping to pick up essentials: beer, ice cream, milk, bananas and cantaloupe.  I was standing by the credit card reader with the shopping cart behind me and Dennis was behind the cart.  The cashier looks at me and says, "Do you have ID?"  I thought she was joking!  I know she knew I was over 21, but the sign says "We card anyone who looks younger than 40" and as I am a month away from 50, it's pretty funny to get carded.  Funnier still, I didn't have any ID, so I tell the cashier, "No, but he does," and I felt 20 again going to get alcohol with my 21 year old friends.  We chatted with the cashier and told her we thought it was funny.  She was so relieved.  Apparently people get offended when they get carded... not sure why.  So I think we made her day brighter.
I'm thankful for laughter and a sense of humor.  And thankful for my husband.

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